'Twas a foul, wet and evil night, perfect for hunkering down at home with a mug of tea/glass of wine and a good book, but the stalwart souls of the Broadbridge Heath WI braved the weather to congregate in St Johns Hall for a brilliant evening of line dancing. It turns out that we have some some serious movers and groovers amongst us. Who knew?
The evening commenced with notices and our usual tin collection for Horsham Matters, and what a haul, thanks so much to everyone who contributed.
We were then joined by Julia and Sue, who were our line dance teachers for the evening. It turned out that they had started their teaching career with their first ever class being held at the WI in Partridge Green some 27 years ago, which meant that our super, experienced teachers were unphased by the motley collection of dancers before them.
We learnt our first steps, we learnt to turn, we got the rhythm and the music. We danced! Ok, so steps got forgotten, moves were muddled, co-ordination flew out of the window, but we danced! And then we moved on to the second dance, and some of the brains got more confused, and the giggles got louder. Unexpectedly, our third and final dance was the Charleston and it was fantastic.
Sandra and Sue regrettably couldn't join in the dancing but they enjoyed watching the spectacle over the course of the evening. And we have the proof, because they filmed us! So no denials please, from those who can and did dance beautifully and there's no escape either for those of us who muddled through recreating the steps as we went and performing our own versions of the dances.
It was a great evening. So thank you to our teachers, thank you to the organisers, and thank you to all the ladies who came and had an absolute ball.
At our next meeting we will trying our hands at water colour painting with our very own artistic Bombshell Miranda. All materials will be provided and hopefully you will be able to leave with your very own painting.
If you are not a member you are still welcome to come along, your first meeting is free and we'd love to see you. Pop up to the menu and take a look at the rest of the website for more information about us and the next meeting.