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What We Do

Here are some of the things you can expect if you become a Broadbridge Bombshell. Just click on our calendar for upcoming meetings or our blog for a first hand account by a Bombshell of how we are getting along and what fun were having...


Remember, it is your WI so what we do is really up to you!


Make new friends, enjoy a chat over a cup of tea or bring a bottle and indulge in a glass of wine. Quite often food themed meetings mean we get fed as well, but if it's not one of those, please feel free to bring your own snacks.


New or visiting ladies are always welcomed with open arms and if you are nervous about coming on your own, don't be! Just email us and we will make sure you are not on your own for long.

We also enjoy coffee mornings and organise evenings out such as our successful Cocktail Club nights.


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Take part in a variety of activities which may take place at our meeting hall or out on location and during Covi via Zoom. 


It could be wine tasting; gin tasting; quiz night; belly dancing; tai chi; face yoga; cake decorating; quantum meditation; stoolball; line dancing; or burlesque to name a few! 



Learn a variety of new crafts, so far we have dipped our toes into the art of crochet, card making, book art, Christmas wreath making and more. What craft would you like to learn? baking, embroidery, patchwork? Join us to see what your next crafty passion may be!





Talks/Visiting Speakers

Learn about a myriad of interesting subjects such as local history: social and natural; local businesses; authors; or just interesting and quirky people.   In fact our aim is to search out as many different speakers as we are able to give us talks on all sorts of subjects, and the more off beat or peculiar they are, the better... so far we have met a met policeman; had a skin care advice courtesy of Claire from Tropic (left); met a high priestess from a witches coven; learned about our local nature reserves; enjoyed an illustrated talk on the ghosts of Hampton Court Palace; laughed along with a solicitor's curious anecdotes and had an introduction to the world of Tarot Cards to name but a few.



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